Sara Lynn Burnett is a graduate of Rice University and holds degrees in Political Science and Slavic Studies in addition to masters certifications from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration. Her home is in Saint Lucia though currently she can be found on remote South Caicos, part of the Turks and Caicos Islands. She will be starting a MFA program in The Creative Writing Workshop at The University of New Orleans in spring of 2021.
Burnett is an avid reader and an active member of the #bookstagram community on Instagram. Her words have appeared in Writer’s Digest, The Masters Review, The Caribbean Writer, Disfunkshion magazine, and Plainsongs. She was the winner of Wikimedia Foundation’s 2019 Global Short Fiction Contest, placed third in the 20th annual Writer’s Digest Short Story Contest in 2020, has been shortlisted by The Caribbean Writer, and was a Key West Literary Seminar Workshop Writer.
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